Friday, March 3, 2017

Lenten Check-In... Don't Give Up Early

Lent can be hard.  We make all sorts of commitments and resolutions for positive change.  And then we accidentally eat bacon on the first Friday of Lent and we think it's all over (I didn't do that btw... Not this Lent anyway..)

"Lent is a time when you really feel like a Christian" a Priest said to me recently.  I think he means that there is something intrinsic to being a Christian that involves sacrifice; giving up certain pleasures for the sake of a greater good.  What greater good are you going after this Lent?  If you've struggled in these first few days with your Lenten commitment that is ok.  Just start over and recommit.  That, too, is what Christianity is all about.  Fresh starts - whenever we need them.  A clean slate is available to you even now.

So visit confession this weekend.  Go often and grow.  Pray more and love better this Lent.  You can do this because you're not alone.  You're in this Lenten "training season" with hundreds of millions of other Catholics around the world.  God is with you.  Ask Him to encourage you and to help you make your commitments to Him.  He's worth the effort and He will help you in the fight.  

"The Lord is a warrior. LORD is His name." (Exodus 15:3)

Let Him fight with you this Lent.  Don't give up.

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