What brings you joy?
Now that I have a week off before summer classes start I'm realizing I can take time to enjoy my time. I can do what I want! I enjoy writing. I enjoy reading. I enjoy walking, and talking, and learning about new things. I enjoy museums, and monuments, and coffee shops. I enjoy baseball games! I enjoy being able to breathe and not have any particular obligation barreling down upon me.
So, I can at least enjoy this week before classes rev back up again.
But you. What do you enjoy? Even in our busy lives, we need recreation regularly. We need leisure and fun. We have to let ourselves enjoy our time from time to time. Work is necessary though not necessarily altogether unenjoyable; it's just that it happens to be work and work can be tough sometimes. Obligations are obligatory. Duty needs to be taken care of.
But if everything was taken care of and if you had the freedom to freely choose what to do with your time, what would you choose to do with your free time?
When you are most fully alive what does that look like? When you are at play what are you like? What kinds of fun do you like to have.
I hope this Lord's Day is restful and enjoyable and rejuvenating for you.
I hope you enjoy your time.
There's a time for everything; even and, perhaps, especially fun.