Monday, September 30, 2013

Dishwashers, Crypts, and Repentence (update with photo!)

Well a couple great blessings heading this way.  Tonight I'll be able to join Fr. Sean for Mass down in the crypt where St. Mary Magdalene's relics are (8 pm my time, 7 hours ahead of central standard USA!) What a gift to be able to celebrate the sacrifice of the Eucharist in the same way as the first Christians did in the crypts of Rome where the early martyrs and Saints were buried.  And here with such a model of perfect repentance and love for Christ.  St. Mary Magdalene, pray with us and teach us how to love Our Lord as you did!

Tomorrow we will receive a profound grace which St. Therese has won for us on her feast day: a dishwasher! Woo! Such a time saving, hygienic grace ;)

I really like France! (I even like the stinky cheese. Truly.)




Mass earlier at the crypt with Mary Magdalene's relics was beadutiful and with today being the feast of St. Jerome, I found the connection appropriate.

Two Saints in love with the Word, contemplation the Word.
The communion antiphon was the verse from Jeremiah 15:16

Lord God, your words were found and I consumed them;
your word became the joy and the happiness of my heart.

Jerome is often quoted as saying "Ignorance of Scripture is
ignorance of Christ."

What a gift to meditate and chew upon the Word through the Scriptures
and then to truly consume the Word made flesh - Jesus Christ - in
the Eucharist.

Lord God, your words were found and I consumed them;
your word became the joy and the happiness of my heart.


Saturday, September 28, 2013

I like this place!

I like France / I like the cheese / I like the people / I like the language even though I don't understand it (yet) / I like the small town I'm in, the Basilica parish where Saints and countless others have pilgrimaged to, the beautiful countryside

I like France

It has roots.

I hope to discover more of my own roots, more of who I am, who I was created to be.

I love God / I love the Church / I love my mom and my dad, my sisters, relatives, and friends.

But I do like France

Video uploaded!

Was finally able to get the video up for my fundraiser!

Check it out at

The video can be seen from the most recent post or in the "gallery" section.  You can also read more in the other posts and in the "description" section which shares more of my story and information about the Missionaries of the Most Holy Eucharist which the community I am in.


Matt Malicki, MSE

(Photo of the adoration chapel downstairs in the rectory)

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Soon... France!

Moving to FRANCE soon!  Entering the Missionaries of the Most Holy Eucharist ( After a year I'll come back to the States to finish seminary studies in Cromwell, CT at Holy Apostles Seminary.

But first things first: I am a work in progress... and so is this blog!

I want this blog to be an easy way for friends/family to keep in touch and I also intend to use it for reflections, updates on my latest goings on, and rants.  I may say things I'll later regret.  If so, I will delete them.  If I regret deleting them... well... that would be ironic.

 I also will be posting funny quips, pictures, videos etc. I like funny things.

Like this joke!...

Knock, knock!
-Who's there?
-Cash who??
O no thank you, I'd rather have a peanut!

- Not so sincerely, Matt